Daniela Krahmer - Owner

As founder and owner of PhoeniaConsult I'd like to welcome you from my Munich area location and introduce myself.
My business history comprehends more than 2 decades of international large enterprise and group experience in the IT market performing various professional and management functions - based on an educational background of a diploma of Mathematics and Computer Science (Technical University, Munich)
One important basis for founding PhoeniaConsult was the many years' experience in management and leadership up to the Senior Management level and with international responsibility. In addition to this came the long lasting experience in the business area as well as 6 years in the HR area as Director Corporate Skills & Learning. And last but not least - my concern to drive HR topics in a business-oriented way and to offer my wealth of experience to the PhoeniaConsult customers and their projects.
Fields of experience from functional areas like engineering, sales, professional services, and human resources are:
- Virtual collaboration
- Skills management
- Competency management
- Learning management
- Partner management (Engineering and Professional Services)
- Product management/marketing
- System software engineering
Due to the manifold responsibilities in various functional areas, I am very aware of the respective angles. So I consider these with their aspects into consulting, conception, and my practice.
Read some more about my history in the profiles of